Use C++ code in Python

Use C++ code in Python

Python is famous for its simplicity and readability. However, it’s not the fastest language. If you have a performance-critical application, you may want to use C++ code in Python. This post explains how to use C++ code in Python.

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Django Rest Framework basic usage

Django Rest Framework basic usage

Django Rest Framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building web APIs. This post covers some basic usage of Django Rest Framework, including deploying an API for CRUD with Django models and serializers.

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Connecting to legacy database in Python

Connecting to legacy database in Python

When we interact with database in production environment, it’s not possible to always use the latest version of database. Sometimes we need to connect to a legacy database that may not be supported by the latest mysql-connector-python. This post explains how to connect to it with mysql-connector-python 8.1.

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Deploy Django application to IIS through HttpPlatform

Deploy Django application to IIS through HttpPlatform

IIS (Internet Information Service) is a web server that runs on the Microsoft .NET platform. There are a few ways to deploy a Django application to IIS. This post explains how to deploy a Django application to IIS through HttpPlatform.

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Use mock in Python unittest

To test an imported package or class, we need to mock it in our test. This post explains how to use some basic functions of mock in Python unit test.

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